Frequently Asked Questions
Client Portal Access
What is the Client Portal?
The client portal is our firm’s client interface to communicate with attorneys and out CELO team, access billing information, and receive updates about their cases. We use PracticePanther as our firm’s case management system, which we use to organize our case materials, contacts, and filings
How do I create a Client Portal account?
After receiving the link for our client portal through your email, create an account and password. Please be sure to create a password that you can remember and save. The firm cannot reset or recover passwords once created. Once signed in, message us through the secure portal to verify your account creation and successful login.
Why do I need to use the Client Portal?
The most important function of the client portal is to allow for easy, secure, and encrypted communication between our office and you, our client. It also serves as the main medium to share documents, pictures, and other forms of evidence you many want to us to have for your case/matter.
Contacting Us
What is the best way of contacting CELO Staff or your attorney?
The best and quickest method of contacting your attorney or our CELO team is through the secure portal in your client portal account. This allows us to discuss private and confidential materials without fear of information being disclosed. It also enables your attorney, or the CELO team member assigned to your case to answer you within a timely fashion.
Why is my attorney not returning or answering my calls or messages?
Our attorneys could be in the courthouse, in meetings with other clients, away from their emails, and anywhere in between. Because of their roles within court or legal procedings, our attorney may or may not answer your calls or messages. A CELO team member will reach out and communicate with you concerning your questions.
How do I communicate effectively with my attorney and CELO team members?
To effectively communicate with your attorney and CELO team members, you will need to reach out through the client portal. Here you can ask question and receive clarifying information regarding your case. Please send all information, questions, and responses in the client portal only.
Payment and Billing
What are the fees and administration cost for my case?
Based on the type of case or matter that we are handling for you, fees and costs can vary. For most cases, there will be associated court and filing fees to the county clerk of court, service fees if your case demands certified mail/service through the sheriff’s department, and other administrative costs deemed necessary for the handling of your case. These fees are separate costs that are not included in your minimum fee for your matter and will be billed separately.
Can I make any payment plans or partial payments for my case?
Unfortunately, our firm does not offer payment plans or accept partial payments for service. All invoices and balances must be paid in full for work to continue on your case or matter.
How can I find out how much I owe and what was done for my case?
A record of your Statement showing your payments and your Minimum Fee Account Balance is available for your viewing within your client portal on PracticePanther 24/7. All our hourly rates and billing are explained in your Minimum Fee Agreement. Our office will forward to you each month an invoice showing how much time was spent on your case during the Invoice period.
Got More Questions?
Send them to us!
910 893-1128
P.O Box 2446, Lillington, NC 27546

Get in Touch
Open Hours
9am - 5pm M-F
Our Office
1170 N Main Street
Lilington NC, 27546
What we Do
Domestic Violence
Child Support